Data Analytics For Unstructured Clinical Case Notes: An Intel White Paper


Clinical care notes are vital to delivering high-quality, coordinated patient care and optimising resources across the health economy.  Yet, case notes are unstructured and are often housed in incompatible record-keeping siloes, making the information unavailable for the sophisticated presentation and analysis that structured Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems can provide.

Advances in big data analytics show the potential to capture clinically and operationally relevant information from diverse sources of unstructured clinical case notes.  This analysis, presented in easy-to-grasp, clinical decision-support portals, can support clinical and operational as well as pharmaceutical improvements.


This white paper outlines and elucidates the breakthroughs in analysing unstructured clinical data to show potential to improvise the delivery of integrated and resource-efficient patient care. By suggesting novel remedies to this impediment in healthcare delivery, this white paper aims to give way to:

•    Providing a more comprehensive and longitudinal view of patients’ lives and health, enabling clinicians and organisations to deliver more personalised, higher-quality care.
•    Offering system-wide opportunities to enhance operational efficiency, improve resources utilisation, and benefit the nation’s health economy.
•    Increasing the satisfaction and safety of patients as well as clinicians.

This white paper is a collaborative proof-of-concept between Intel, North East London NHS Foundation Trust and Santana Big Data Analytics. This is to demonstrate a practical, affordable and executable approach to extracting the relevant information from large volumes of clinical case notes. This paper describes the POC and suggests next step for the healthcare systems that want to use next-generation data analytics to improve healthcare.

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